tisdag 7 augusti 2012

Yesterday Was A Good Night

Aren't big houses the perfect place for a party? All these rich men, they're actually pretty nice when you get to know them. The only thing bothering me is I told the owner I have a boyfriend and he still seems want to give it a shot on me.
However, it was really awesome. The house was big, the food and drinks for free and on Friday we're allowed to throw a big party there and invite anyone we want. It's like we can have a big party in not even our house.
Sure, I loooove partying, right?
Yesterday wasn't exactly a party. It was more of chilling with friends at a friend's house. But we had a good time.
Hopefully everything can go well tomorrow. I really hope so. I'm going crazy. Hopefully someone can explain to me what exactly is happening to me. Seriously. I have no clue.

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